Streaming Video

Streaming Video

Have you seen any good movies lately?

Watch classic movies and TV shows, documentaries, comedies, dramas and more! An Internet connection and your library card number will get you started.


Stream films that entertain, educate, & inspire on your smart TV, tablet, computer or phone.

Create an account with your own email and password. Then complete the registration with your Library Card Number. You’ll start each month with15 tickets (non-cumulative) to use as you please on the site.

Kanopy logo. Films that matter.

Kanopy Kids

Keep the little ones entertained, by streaming children’s movies and television shows.

If you don’t already have a Kanopy account, create one with your own email and password for unlimited access to everything in the Kanopy Kids section.

Explore Kanopy Kids.
A picture of book stacks in the youth department of the library.

“The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.”

Albert Einstein